Epsilon XR is a Division of Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc.



Recently Epsilon XR was involved in a test project for NATO, assessing soldiers in learning how to capture and retrieve enemy drones. The project focused on soldiers who were not using the skills on a regular basis and needed to re-learn their tasks periodically. As a complicating factor, the majority of trainees had a variety of primary languages and used English as a second language.

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Improved retention and performance was observed for all participants using VR360.


We created a test employing a 15-minute virtual reality 360-degree immersive video, enabled with sets of Quest VR goggles and controllers. The VR360 technology allows for pause and replay, and permits the participant to effectively both watch and do. The virtual doing provides enhanced learning, giving the learner responsibility for their own experience to meet the learning objectives.

What is VR360-degree immersive video? See this article for an explanation.



The training steps for the two groups were different, as was the outcome. All learners started with instructor-led training in a classroom. The learners were then divided into two groups:

  • Group 1 watched a demonstration of the procedure before trying it out on their own; practiced the procedure in the practice area; and then used the VR 360 video as reinforcement following the practice.
  • Group 2 was able to watch and do through the VR360 video; and then practiced the procedure in the practice area.


Group 2 had a more efficient and deeper learning experience and performed better by watching and doing in the VR360 video prior to actual practice. Because the VR360 video platform effectively provided advance practice, Group 2 made fewer mistakes, asked fewer questions, and had more confidence in their new skills and knowledge. The ability to view the video individually and learn at the pace needed by the learner was valuable, especially in this case, because most spoke English as a second language.


Applied Services and Skills

Custom Training Equipment
E-Learning Development
Electronic Classroom
Instructor-LED Training
Knowledge management
Performance Support
Simulation and Virtual Reality
Software Development